Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Resolution Defined

What exactly is a resolution? Merriam-Webster defines resolution as:  

"1. the act or process of resolving: as  
a : the act of analyzing a complex notion into simpler ones  
b : the act of answering : solving 
  c : the act of determining"

This year I have actually made some New Year's resolutions. In years past, I typically resolved not to make resolutions because I "continually strive to better myself." At some point during this holiday season I realized that, while this is true, I do not really have much to show for my self-improvement endeavors. Ultimately, I think I never made resolutions because I was afraid of failure. For some reason, I am now ready to let go and jump into this scary world of commitment! So, this year I am making a firm pact with myself to:

1. Be a better friend to my family members, friends, neighbors, and most importantly, myself.
2. Make time for myself at least 3 hours a week for exercise & relaxation.
3. Smile more.
4. Let go of my anxiety and anger.

In coming posts, I'll be discussing ways in which I am setting myself up to successfully meet these resolutions and how you can, too!

Do you make resolutions? If so, what are they? Have you set yourself up for success?


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