Sunday, September 4, 2011


I'm not even going to address the fact that I haven't blogged in, oh...who cares how long? What's been new since my last update?

1. Graduating from OT school...I'm now officially a "Master."
2. Starting a REALLY intense, but amazing new job.
3. Moving my family of 4 to a new home, new city.
4. Studying for my board exam. O.k., I'll be honest...this one is pretty sporadic!

I don't feel the need to make excuses. Life is what it is. My big thing with Life Design is that you have to be ready for it. Which just happens to lead me into my next topic, by the way!

So many things in my life have come together, except for I'm blessed to have an amazing family, a lovely home in a wonderful town, amazing job. I definitely have it all. However, when I think about myself apart from all of those things - just me the individual -  I see someone much more frazzled, living moment to moment, surviving through the day, always trying to catch up.

Now don't get me wrong. I will be the first person to admit that life is a bumpy road. But it's a lot easier to take the bumps if the vehicle you're riding in has a good set of shocks. I think mine a due for a replacement! So I've decided to design my life first...a sort of guinea pig if you will! For, how can I preach something I don't practice? Yeah, I've got the education and training to back it, but maybe walking the walk is a good idea, too!

I was told many years ago that life is a marathon, not a sprint.

So this is day #1. I'm ready, I'm on my way. Let the marathon begin.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Mealtime in Wonderland: Noshing on UN-food???

Fair trade.
All natural.
Sustainable agriculture.

The average consumer is definitely becoming more savvy these days when it comes to food. This is certainly encouraging, especially in a society where convenience is king. Yet, we continue to be surprised as more and more companies are being exposed for touting products unfit for consumption.

Spurred by a recent lawsuit against Taco Bell, an article on the subject of what today's quick "foods" are made up of was published on The Daily Beast's website on January 26th. Author Kate Dailey detailed the many ways consumers are continually misguided into thinking products that last on shelves for months and years are made of natural ingredients - in everything from Snapple drinks to blueberry muffins. She points out that many items contain minute amounts of the natural ingredients that make up the intended flavors of, say, cherry or pomegranate drinks. Most, she says, contain so little that they are not included in the list of ingredients!

What's most concerning, I believe, is that while we are becoming more and more educated as to what's best to put inside our bodies, that we still have such a long way to go in terms of making real food as accessible to the general public as the bountiful UN-food counterparts lining much of our big box grocery stores today.

Someone once said, "if man made it, don't eat it." Not something I think you have to live strictly by, but definitely good advice to keep in your back pocket! Dailey pointed out that no ones goes to Taco Bell "for a health kick." True...but I'm sure there are plenty of people supplementing their diet staple Big Macs for a McDonald's salad (hey, they say it's classy!).

That's why it is even more important to continue educating yourself and your family on where your foods are coming from, what they're made out of, and how close to natural your foods are. I try to guide myself by consuming as much food that comes from nature as I possibly can. If it's man-made, I always look at the ingredient list to find out what's in what I'm eating. 

Remember, the more you read, the more you'll come to understand how to eat more healthfully! In the meantime, stay tuned for more helpful hints on how to decipher food labels and get the healthiest bang for your buck at the grocery store!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Resolution Defined

What exactly is a resolution? Merriam-Webster defines resolution as:  

"1. the act or process of resolving: as  
a : the act of analyzing a complex notion into simpler ones  
b : the act of answering : solving 
  c : the act of determining"

This year I have actually made some New Year's resolutions. In years past, I typically resolved not to make resolutions because I "continually strive to better myself." At some point during this holiday season I realized that, while this is true, I do not really have much to show for my self-improvement endeavors. Ultimately, I think I never made resolutions because I was afraid of failure. For some reason, I am now ready to let go and jump into this scary world of commitment! So, this year I am making a firm pact with myself to:

1. Be a better friend to my family members, friends, neighbors, and most importantly, myself.
2. Make time for myself at least 3 hours a week for exercise & relaxation.
3. Smile more.
4. Let go of my anxiety and anger.

In coming posts, I'll be discussing ways in which I am setting myself up to successfully meet these resolutions and how you can, too!

Do you make resolutions? If so, what are they? Have you set yourself up for success?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Designed Life**

The basis of The Designed Life's approach is rooted in the ideas of prevention and health promotion, which is at the forefront of health care discussions today. I believe that every person has the right, and therefore should have the opportunity, to live a healthy, fulfilling life that promotes overall wellness of the mind, body, and spirit. 

The idea of working as an occupational therapist under the umbrella of Lifestyle Redesign*, a program created by the University of Southern California’s Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, is probably one of the most exciting and intriguing career opportunities I can think of. The Lifestyle Redesign* program was first tested in a study of well elderly individuals. It was found that one of the greatest benefits of this initiative is its flexibility. There are numerous opportunities to customize this program for individuals. A few examples are:

  • Weight Management 
  • Life Coaching
  • Executive Health & Risk Assessments
  • College Students 
  • Diabetes
  • Cancer
  • Smoking Cessation
  • Pain Management

This type of programming incorporates the values, roles, habits, and routines of the individual, rather than just looking solely at the “issues” the person has. This approach to health looks at the individual from all perspectives, therefore creating a greater opportunity for long lasting changes and success for the individual.

If you are interested in making changes in your life, please contact us for more information about our programming, and check my blog frequently for information that can help you choose the life you want!
The Designed Life - Choose the Life You Want!

* Lifestyle Redesign is a registered trademark of the University of Southern California's Occupational Science & Occupational Therapy programs.

** Information relating to this post was obtained from the following resource:
Salles-Jordan, K. (2007). Community health promotion programs using USC Lifestyle
Redesign*. Special Interest Section: Home & Community Health, 14(2), 1-4.

Sneaky Smoothie Recipes

Homemade smoothies are a great way to help you get in your daily fruit servings. But, did you know this delicious treat can also help you get in some servings of veggies as well? Just a handful of baby spinach added to your smoothie is a quick & easy way to add in extra nutrients while also crossing a serving of veg off your list for the day!

For my smoothies, I typically use frozen fruit - more affordable, especially during the off-season - but always put in fresh fruit when I have it. I simply toss about a cup of fruit into a blender, add a cup of juice (apple, orange, pomegranate, etc.), and a cup of yogurt - you can use fruit or plain. I like to use this yogurt, because it has an amazing amount of protein. Add some flax meal or your own ground flax seeds, your handful of spinach, and a few cubes of ice. Then simply blend and enjoy!

You can adjust the recipe to your taste, and feel free to get creative with your combinations! You can certainly find all sorts of smoothie recipes online, too. You're only limited by your imagination!!!
The Designed Life - Choose the Life You Want!

Monday, May 10, 2010


Welcome to The Designed Life. This blog is an opportunity for me to share my knowledge of lifestyle design in the hopes of helping you make changes in your life that lead to long-term benefits and success.

Lifestyle design is a powerful, effective process that relies on your own values, beliefs, and motivation to make positive changes in your life. Whether you're looking to lose weight, stop smoking, get in shape, become more productive, or simply make a long-lasting change in your life, The Designed Life offers a wealth of information to enhance your lifestyle choices that enhance your overall quality of life.

You're encouraged to stop back often, as The Designed Life will be updated regularly with a wide variety of information to help you make positive changes in you life.
The Designed Life - Choose the Life You Want!