Sunday, September 4, 2011


I'm not even going to address the fact that I haven't blogged in, oh...who cares how long? What's been new since my last update?

1. Graduating from OT school...I'm now officially a "Master."
2. Starting a REALLY intense, but amazing new job.
3. Moving my family of 4 to a new home, new city.
4. Studying for my board exam. O.k., I'll be honest...this one is pretty sporadic!

I don't feel the need to make excuses. Life is what it is. My big thing with Life Design is that you have to be ready for it. Which just happens to lead me into my next topic, by the way!

So many things in my life have come together, except for I'm blessed to have an amazing family, a lovely home in a wonderful town, amazing job. I definitely have it all. However, when I think about myself apart from all of those things - just me the individual -  I see someone much more frazzled, living moment to moment, surviving through the day, always trying to catch up.

Now don't get me wrong. I will be the first person to admit that life is a bumpy road. But it's a lot easier to take the bumps if the vehicle you're riding in has a good set of shocks. I think mine a due for a replacement! So I've decided to design my life first...a sort of guinea pig if you will! For, how can I preach something I don't practice? Yeah, I've got the education and training to back it, but maybe walking the walk is a good idea, too!

I was told many years ago that life is a marathon, not a sprint.

So this is day #1. I'm ready, I'm on my way. Let the marathon begin.